Saturday, July 5, 2008

Essential Life Skills

Personal development is the pursuit of developing, honing and mastering the skills that help us become the best that we can, with all that we have. It is the reaching for, and realizing of, our full potential as human beings.

Develop A Healthy Self-Concept
- The ability to know yourself; to be able to assess your strengths, weaknesses, talents and potential.
- The ability to love and accept yourself as you are, knowing that you can improve and develop any aspects of yourself that you choose.
- The ability to be honest with yourself and be true to who you are and what you value.
- The ability to take responsibility for your choices and actions.

Develop Critical Thinking to evaluate and determine what is taking place in a given situation including a self-disciplined, self-monitored problem solving thinking.
- Help us learn from an experience
- Help prevent it from occurring again
- Result in a reasonable, effective solution

Develop Your Creativity
- Classical Studies (literature, art, history, philosophy, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome.)
- How To Visualize what we want in our lives and how to make them happen.
- Expand Your Comfort Zone

Mental & Physical
- Self-Discipline
- Live In The Moment to be conscious, aware and in the present with all of your senses. It means to not think about or dwell on the past, nor be anxious or worry about the future.
- Patience to tolerate waiting, delay, or frustration without becoming agitated or upset.
- Motivate Yourself by decide what you want and set a goal, decide how you are going to go about it, keep track of your progress with a log or journal, post motivating pictures or slogans everywhere, remind yourself why you want this, and and finally make it a habit.
- Overcoming any fear

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