Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Exercise Plan

Aerobic by riding my vintage Motobecane (sometimes Trek 4200) to and from work on Tuesdays and Thursdays no matter what the weather is in the Pacific NW. Used to ride daily using the public transportation system, however created a balance by buying a car that actually has turn signals and windshield wipers (1970 Toyota Landcruiser does not current to date). Round trip is around 40 miles.
Stress Training by pushing the homeward bound ride 30 minutes as fast and hard as I can.
Hill or stair climb with PRECOR 730e Stepclimber 3 days a week with minium 1000 steps per session.
Strength training with a Bowflex Classic which provides resistance without the risk of joint pain caused by free weights and quick change-over time. My 30 minutes strength training session includes 10 smooth, continuous repetitions, plenty of water, and focused breathing. Exercises including:

Session #1
Chest Incline Bench Press 90#
Chest Butterfly 60#
Shoulder (Seated) Press 60#
Arms Lying Triceps Extension 60#
Arms French Triceps Press 50#
Abdominal Crunch Seated 50#
Seated Leg Curl 60#
Leg Press 105#
Calf Raise 90#

Session #2
Back Seated Lat Rows 80#
Back Lying Lat Narrow Pulldowns 60#
Shoulder Crossover Seated Rear Delt Rows 60#
Arms Standing Biceps Curl 60#
Arms Reverse Curl 40#
Trunk (Seated) Low Extension 105#
Abdominal Crunch Seated 50#
Trunk Rotation